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Sports Event Bookings In McAllen.

Sports tourism continues to lead group sales efforts with three international soccer tournaments and a major youth football tournament confirming events in McAllen recently.

After the announcement of the bridge re-opening, three international youth soccer tournaments booked events for December. The tournaments will take place on the first three weekends of the month, including Atlas International Cup (Dec 4-5), RGV Winter International (Dec 11-12), and Soccer Evolution Winter Cup (Dec 18-19). Each tournament is expected to draw 80-100 teams with approximately 25% of the teams coming from Mexico and Texas cities outside the RGV.

The Texas Youth Football All-Stars confirmed McAllen as the host site of the 2022 Texas Youth Football All-Star Showcase. The largest youth football tournament in Texas is represented with 19 regions and 6 age divisions per region. The event is expected to draw 120-130 teams with 3,600 athletes and only 300 from the Rio Grande Valley. Visiting players and families will occupy approximately 2,000 room nights with an estimated economic impact of $1.2 million.

Event Summaries: 

Organization: Atlas Soccer

Event: Atlas International Cup

Dates: December 4-5, 2021

Facilities: McAllen Sports Park

Room Nights: 600                           

Economic Impact: $700,000


Organization: RGV Tigres

Event: RGV Winter International

Dates: December 11-12, 2021

Facilities: McAllen Sports Park

Room Nights: 400                           

Economic Impact: $175,000


Organization: Q7/Soccer Evolution

Event: Soccer Evolution Winter Cup

Dates: December 18-19, 2021

Facilities: McAllen Sports Park South

Room Nights: 300                           

Economic Impact: $210,000


Organization: Texas Youth Football All-Stars

Event: Texas Youth Football All-Star Showcase

Dates: Friday, February 18-20, 2022

Facilities: McAllen Sports Park North & South

Room Nights: 2,000                        

Economic Impact: $1,260,000


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