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McAllen to host Inaugural USA vs Mexico Flag Football Tournament in 2023

By: Julian Gutierrez, Sports Sales Manager for Visit McAllen

The McAllen Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors’ Bureau is proud to announce the partnership with USA Flag formally known as the Flag Football World Championship Tour (FFWCT) on hosting the inaugural USA vs Mexico Major Tournament at the McAllen Sports Park on October 6th through the 8th, 2023.

Since 2015, USA Flag (FFWCT) has hosted over 100 tournaments all over the world with over 96,000 athletes participating including an annual Major game in Arlington Tx and a World Tournament in Tampa Bay every year. With McAllen as the middle ground for Texas and Mexico, The McAllen CVB & USA Flag are confident a USA vs Mexico Tournament can be successful for both the participants and the city.

“We cannot be more excited to host this inaugural international tournament in McAllen and bring teams from all over the USA and Mexico to showcase their skills at the McAllen Sports Park. Mr. Travis Burnett and the rest of the USA Flag (FFCWT) team have demonstrated hosting quality tournaments throughout the country so the opportunity to host an International Tournament in McAllen is next level” said Julian Gutierrez, Sports Sales Manager for the McAllen CVB. “We are expecting anywhere from 80 to 100 teams from outside the Rio Grande Valley to participate in this first-year tournament.

“We are thrilled to be able to bring the US and Mexico together formally for an International Tournament! The sport is huge in Mexico and offering this level of competition in McAllen is exciting. This is just the beginning; we look forward to this partnership and development of this tournament” says Travis Burnett CEO of USA Flag.

In partnership with the McAllen Parks & Recs Department, we are committed to hosting a phenomenal tournament this coming year and can’t wait to see it grow in the next few years” said Julian Gutierrez, Sports Sales Manager for the McAllen CVB

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